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"Elevate your hypnotherapy skills with our Advanced Hypnotherapy course—explore innovative avenues to facilitate transformation and nurture personal growth."

What You Will Learn

  • Active listening, empathy
  • Case conceptualization, diagnostic assessment
  • Hypnotic suggestions, imagery
  • Crisis intervention, ethical professionalism
  • Self-reflection, supervision
  • Communication skills, client guidance
  • Empathy, rapport building
  • Susceptibility assessment, progress evaluation
  • Treatment planning, hypnosis integration
  • Cognitive restructuring, negative beliefs/habits
  • Behavioral activation, positive change
  • Crisis management, safety measures
  • Ethical decision-making, standards/guidelines
  • Boundaries, safety, trust
  • Cultural competence, diversity
  • Reflective practice, technique refinement
  • Supervision, professional development

The concept of hypnotherapy can be attributed to Franz Mesmer, an 18th-century physician who developed mesmerism. Mesmer believed that illness stemmed from imbalances in "animal magnetism" within the body and used techniques to induce trance-like states to restore harmony. Although his methods were later discredited, Mesmer's work laid the groundwork for modern hypnotherapy by highlighting the potential of altered states of consciousness for therapeutic purposes.

Level 1

Introduction to Hypnotherapy : Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to relax and focus individuals, accessing the subconscious to address psychological issues.

What is Hypnotherapy : It's using hypnosis to change behaviour by accessing the subconscious and altering negative patterns.

History and Evolution : Ancient roots, popularized by Mesmer in the 18th century, evolved through Erickson and Elman in the 20th century.

Uses : Helps with behaviour change, psychological healing, medical issues, and performance enhancement.

Myths : Common misconceptions include loss of control, whereas hypnosis is collaborative and controlled.

Theory of Mind : Mind has conscious and subconscious aspects; hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious to influence behaviour positively.

Level 2

Self-Hypnosis Techniques : Methods to induce a hypnotic state independently, often involving relaxation and suggestion for personal change.

Guided Imagery and Visualization: Using mental imagery to create a sensory experience, often guided by audio or written instructions, to achieve relaxation or manifest desired outcomes.

Self-Hypnosis for Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Employing self-hypnosis to induce a relaxed state, reducing stress and promoting mental and physical well-being.

Breathing Awareness: Focusing on one's breath as a tool to induce relaxation and mindfulness, often used as a foundation for other relaxation techniques.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Systematic tensing and relaxing of muscle groups to release physical tension and promote deep relaxation, often used in conjunction with other relaxation methods.

Level 3

Inducing Hypnosis: Techniques to guide individuals into a hypnotic state, often involving relaxation, focus, and suggestion.

Hypnotic Induction Methods: Various approaches to induce hypnosis, such as progressive relaxation, eye fixation, or verbal suggestions.

Practice Sessions: Sessions focused on learning and practicing hypnotic induction techniques.

Depth of Hypnosis Recognition: Identifying the level of trance a person is in, ranging from light to deep states.

Signs of Hypnosis: Observable cues indicating someone is in a hypnotic state, like relaxation, focused attention, and suggestibility.

Script Structure and Language: Organizing and wording scripts used in hypnotherapy sessions to guide clients through trance and suggest positive change.

Scriptwriting Practice: Exercises to develop and refine scripts for effective hypnotherapy.

Ethical Considerations in Scriptwriting: Ensuring scripts adhere to ethical guidelines and respect client autonomy and well-being

Metaphors in Hypnotherapy: Using symbolic language to convey therapeutic suggestions and facilitate subconscious change.

Introduction to Past Life Regression: Exploring techniques to guide clients into supposed past life experiences during hypnosis.

Preparation for Past Life Regression: Steps taken before conducting a past life regression session, including establishing rapport and addressing client expectations.

Ethical Considerations in Past Life Regression: Addressing ethical concerns such as false memories and the potential impact on clients' beliefs and well-being.

Age Regression: Technique involving guiding individuals back to earlier stages of life to explore and address unresolved issues or memories.


"Embark on a self-study adventure! Dive into our live video lessons and set aside 3-5 hours each week for self-reflection. Open to all with a passion for learning, whether you're a student, professional, or just curious. Let's explore the mind together!"


"Ready to thrive with Hypnotherapy? Say goodbye to stress and hello to fulfillment!

Discover how Hypnotherapy can help you overcome challenges, reshape your mindset, and lead a more fulfilling life. Whether you're a therapist, leader, or just eager for growth, this program is your chance to make a difference.

Join our team and a supportive community. Start your journey to a happier life today! Don't wait – enroll in our Advanced Hypnotherapy program and unlock your potential!"

  • Study Materials
  • Online Resources
  • E- Certificate / Hard Copy
  • Get Identity Card
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Startup Support
  • Job Opportunities

  • Includes Case Studies
  • Group Discussions
  • Practical Experiences/Workshop
  • Monthly Training Sessions
  • Research Work
  • Quizzes to Follow your Progress

  • Aspiring therapists
  • Social workers
  • Managers
  • Life coaches
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Anyone keen on personal growth
  • Educators
  • Parents

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